Kyle Hawk-Inspired and ready to bring it on!
What got you into dance and how did you go from dancer to choreographer?
I have been apart of musical theater since I was 6 years old. Through that I received some training but didn’t take it serious until I was 20. I’m a true Bass vocally and knew I had to step up my dance game because not many roles would be available to me until I was older. I feel turning dancer choreographer has been a very natural transition. I’m getting older and training kids to basically take my job one day… lol. I have always had a very creative mind and think that helps with being able to dream up what a number should be.
What have you enjoyed most about working with the cast of Bring It On?
The TALENT! We have a cast of rockstars. We are keeping true to the show, it is a cast of only 22, which is extremely small for a youth production. We have kids from all over San Diego county that are the top performers in all of the theater groups that have come together in one cast. It’s unbelievable.
Where do you find inspiration for your choreography?
In the lyrics and I connect to the story and what are we trying to get across. I usually play the song, close my eyes and start dancing around my living room to see what organically happens, I film myself and the moves kinda just come.
What choreographer do you look up to and why?
Wow, so many! I have worked with amazing people but one person I have always looked up to, and seen a lot of myself in them in the way they teach and connect to there cast is John Vaughan. He has also created some of my favorite dance numbers I’ve had the privilege of performing.
If you could pick any show to choreograph what would it be and why?
I’ve ALWAYS wanted to choreograph Once on this Island. I’ve loved this show since I was young. 8 years ago when I was dancing professionally in Chicago, I had the opportunity to take a lot of African style dance classes. You can’t help but connect to the live instruments and the freeing style of movement. I would love the opportunity to tap into that part of my brain.
What is your pet peeve when working with dancers?
Good one! Anyone that’s worked with me knows I push the limits with my choreography and spend a lot of time preparing for a rehearsal. So when people come not ready to work… it’s my trigger for sure.
What song makes you want to get your groove on?
Any 80’s Whitney Houston song