Academy Pre-Professional RENT Cast Amazing Rendition of “Seasons of Love”!

 In Blog, Pre-Professional, San Diego Entertainment, Video

BRAVO and standing ovation for our pre-professional “RENT” cast and their AMAZING rendition of “Seasons of Love”! ❤️ Rising to the occasion is an understatement even after learning their show has been postponed to the 2021 season. Equipped with only their cell phones, a soundtrack and a recording of their individual part provided by SDMT’s standing musical director, Don LeMaster, each of them dug deep to sing their hearts out with no rehearsals and virtually no direction. Singing alone while imagining themselves on the stage raising the roof with their fellow cast makes this performance truly unbelievable. ❤️

You play a tremendous role in helping us continue to bring Broadway experiences and education to our phenomenal Academy students! If you enjoyed this performance, please consider making a donation to our pre-professional productions today!

Sean Barnett (@seanathanbarnett), Brendan Dallaire (@dallairebre55nd3n), Brooke Henderson (@dccbrookie), C.J. Rabine (@cj_rabine), Mia Sydney Bregman (@mi4sydn3y), Dakota Sandoval (@dakotas.rae), Wyatt Anton (@wyatt.anton), Chase Lowary (@cjlowary), Mary Leer (@maryeleer), Jadyn Ponder (@jadyn.ponder), Brayden Handwerger (@braydenhofficial), Shane Ronan (@shane_ronan), Jonas Bongulto (@jbongles), Jackson T. Shaffer (@jackson.t.shaffer), Nicole Warkentien (@nicole_the_gal), Ben Snyder (@ben._.snyder), Shelby Garza (@shelby.garza)

Credits: Ron Christopher Jones (@rcjonesactor) and Neil Dale (@neil2sing)



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