#BehindtheCurtain: Get to Know Meghan O’Brien Lowery

 In Blog, San Diego Broadway Shows

There are few female presenting roles in musical theatre as well known as Mrs. Lovett from Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd. To truly capture the depth of this character, to play both the lightness and comedy as well as the gut-wrenching pain and despair, all while singing some of the hardest music in theatre, requires talent that few possess. For anyone who has seen SDMT’s production of Sweeney Todd, we are confident you’ll agree that Meghan O’Brien Lowery’s portrayal of this role is the very picture of that necessary talent. Her approach to this role has left both audiences and critics alike in awe, with one reviewer stating:

the stand out acting performance is delivered by Meghan O’Brien Lowery as Mrs. Lovett. Lowery balances the character’s creepy mind, campy humor, and aching humanity (without dropping the cockney accent). Audiences who already know the ending will appreciate her subtly even within the grotesque absurdity of her comedic choices. Her performance is the twisted heartbeat of this production.” –Vanguard Culture

We are so grateful that Meghan is a part of the SDMT Family! You may remember her from last season’s Xanadu, and it has been a joy seeing her shine on our stage once more. To help you get to know Meghan a little better, we asked her a few of our favorite questions so keep reading to find out her answers below! Once you finish reading, if you have yet to purchase your tickets to come see Sweeney Todd, visit the link at the bottom of the blog to secure your ticket while they’re still available! Sweeney Todd runs from now until October 20th, so you still have a few weeks to catch Meghan’s Mrs. Lovett in all her pastry perfection on the SDMT Stage!


Tell us a little bit about your theatre background. How did you get into it and what made you fall in love with it?

Musicals have been a part of my family, mostly in movie form, from a young age. I grew up watching Funny Girl, White Christmas, and hours of old movie musicals with my mother and grandmother who both sing beautifully. I got up the nerve to audition for my first musical in high school and, from that moment, I was hooked.

Photo by Karli Cadel

Does Sweeney Todd have any special meaning to you? What made you want to be a part of this production?

My connection to this show comes more from my connection to my character. I had dreamed of playing the iconic role of Mrs. Lovett since childhood, after watching Angela Lansbury pop flour into her face on screen. Growing older, as a woman, in theatre can feel somewhat confusing. Those ingenue roles are no longer available and yet few parts are written for women at the middle of their life. What an incredible opportunity to show the grit, flare and humor of such a complex character.

Photo by Karli Cadel

We’ve talked about how SDMT’s Sweeney will be different than any other version people have seen of this show. Can you tell us a little bit more about that? What is different or special about our version?

Many people are used to seeing huge productions of Sweeney Todd. For this production, I think the spectacle has been removed in such a pure and honest way. The cast is small, the theater is intimate and the music, lyrics and text get to stand alone. Sondheim lyrics are so well crafted and need nothing else for the actors to share them deeply and clearly. For “if I cannot fly, let me sing”.

Photo by Karli Cadel

The role of Mrs. Lovett, as we’ve discussed, is such an iconic part. Can you tell us a little bit about what it’s like getting to perform this role?

Lovett was played for the past 45 years by some of the most iconic women in music theatre: Lansbury, LuPone, McKenzie. Quite a line up to live up to for sure! I started working with my voice teacher, Karyn Overstreet, a year before the audition. She very clearly stated that to land this role, I had to be an expert in Lovett and so I took on the task. Months of perfecting the rhyme, the ever-changing keys and time signatures was harrowing and at times, felt impossible. This will be one of my greatest accomplishments to date. In my opinion, we need a strong Lovett in the show to balance out the darkness. If I can even get one laugh at a show, I know I have done my best.

Photo by Karli Cadel

Do you have a favorite scene or number in Sweeney Todd?

The opening (prelude) is so exciting. Often people cheer when DeAndre opens the curtain, which is so exciting. In those moments you know that the audience knows the show, LOVES the show and can’t wait to jump into this beautiful music with us. What a moment to be on stage.

For someone who has never seen or heard of Sweeney Todd, what’s one or two things you would love to tell them when coming into this production?

If they can, pay close attention to the lyrics. Sondheim is truly a genius and his words, so carefully chosen, give depth to the story. Each night I am able to catch a new phrase that one of my fellow cast sings, and I marvel again at the intricacy of this show.

Photo by Karli Cadel

If you were to open up your own shop, what would you be selling?

My mother and I have dreamed for years of opening a Bed and Breakfast. We love meeting new people and breakfast food! So possibly, once I retire I will make my own Bed and Breakfast called THE PIE SHOP!

Photo by Karli Cadel


Sweeney Todd Creative Team:
Director: Jason Blitman
Music Director: Richard Dueñez Morrison
Choreographer: Katie Banville


CLICK HERE to buy tickets!



Photo by Julie Licari

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